Wednesday, January 14, 2009


the past 24+ hours i've had to try to control the temperature in our house (or at least keep the dog cool). our house is not heat friendly (also not cold friendly). yesterday morning we had to make sure all the windows and doors were shut (after leaving them open all nite to get the house nice and cool) and blinds down on the sunny side of the house. i took the dog for an early walk (zac takes her about 8 and then i took her again before 10 knowing there would be no chance for her to go out again cuz of the heat). the house managed to stay cooler than outside (i'm sure it was still over 30C in the house) until mid afternoon. then i had to open all the doors and windows and put the blinds down on the other side of the house to try to manage the heat. the dog got sprayed down a couple times to keep her from overheating (she was doing quite well most of the day though and didn't start panting while laying down until late afternoon and wetting her down repeatedly seemed to fix that). it didn't even get down to 30C overnite!! i actually slept better than i normally do during hot nites but the poor dog was restless (wouldn't sleep on her bed and just kept getting up and wandering around trying to find a cool spot). it was supposed to get up to 39C today but the cool change has come (the big drop at the end of the red temp graph above)!!!!!! the house is still ridiculously hot (even with all the windows and doors open to let the nice cool southerly wind blow thru) but it should all be good in a couple hours.

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