Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i have an amazing husband 8) the past 3 weeks he's had to take care of me, the house and the dog (that's a long time to have to do all that). the first 2 weeks i was sick he was working (his last 2 weeks of work at his old job) but he managed to juggle things around to drive me to the doctors (multiple times) and take care of everything else at home (walking the dog twice a day and cooking meals as well as some cleaning). last week he was off on a break before starting his new job. he spent a good part of the week cooking, cleaning, running errands, taking me to more doctors appointments, helping me be entertained when i started to feel a bit better...... he had yesterday and today to himself before starting his new job tomorrow. today he managed to do 3 loads of laundry and even washed some things i would have never expected him to think of washing (like the bath mats), cleaned the kitchen floor, bathed the dog, cleaned up the computer hard drive (we got an external hard drive a couple weeks ago and he finally got around to finishing moving all the big files on it with our slow usb connection and defragmented the internal hard drive) and he even came out and met me for lunch in the middle of all that. even the one day he got the flu he still managed to make meals for me (i wasn't eating much at the time but i was too sick to actually stand long enough to prepare food for myself). i'm finally well enough to be able to cook a proper meal again so tomorrow will be my first attempt at cooking for us in 3 1/2 weeks (other than a tray of nachos with cheezly and tomatoes i made on the weekend for us). by the weekend i should be well enough to fully help with the cleaning and walking the dog again (my first attempt at walking her will be thursday or friday but it'll just be a short walk around the block because she's pretty fast paced and pully)
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1 comment:

BevC said...

Yah for amazing husbands!