Wednesday, March 08, 2006

pasta and resignations

we went over to zac's dad's house for an early birthday dinner for zac and lea (their b.days are 2 days apart). it was pretty impressive. he barbequed some meat stuff for lea and jay (cuz lea won't eat food if it doesn't involve meat-- and if she does, she goes to macca's right after to get her meat fix) and then he cooked the only vegan dish that he knows how to make (he started making it cuz he had to go on some diet for his liver or something a month or so ago). it was spagetti with plain tomato sauce mixed with broccoli (they way i used to make pasta when i was broke). it was really good. it was extra good cuz i know it was quite an effort for him to make (usually when we eat at his house there's very little zac can eat and just a few salad-y type things i can eat unless we bring our own food to bbq).
i officially resigned from my job today. i decided on the weekend it wasn't worth doing if i wasn't really enjoying myself so i'm taking some time off, maybe do some volunteering (i've already had a friend ask me if could volunteer for her at the sustainable living foundation) and i'm thinking about volunteering at ceres and maybe making some craft stuff to sell at the saturday market there. i've only got today and tomorrow left of work cuz school holidays are the next 2 weeks so my 2 weeks notice falls over the holidays.

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