Sunday, March 26, 2006

end of daylight savings is confusing

we had a meeting to go to at 5pm today. just after we left the house i remembered the calendar said "end of daylight savings" on today's date so i said to zac that we need to remember to change the clocks tonite. then we got in a discussion about weather we should have already changed the clocks. we decided we should have done it this morning (or last nite before going to bed) so we were on our way to our 5pm meeting at 4pm. we figured probably most people at the meeting wouldn't have remembered and we were right. 3 people were already there. we all got in a discussion about what the correct time really was but none of us could figure it out. more people were arriving. pretty soon we had 10 of us in the room but no one knew what time it was. we were sure the time had to have already changed but no one had heard anything. part way through the meeting a girl who does pick-ups from the market after they close arrived. she asured us the time hadn't changed cuz the market had closed at 4pm and she said that was over an hour ago and the market wouldn't be wrong. i thought it would be pretty funny if melboure had got so caught up in the commonwealth games that even businesses forgot to change their clocks. i just turned on the tv now to see if i could figure out the time by looking at what's on. the programs were all ones that would be on the old time. i decided to get on the internet to figure out why my melbourne calendar says daylight savings if it hasn't really happened (or if it has and all the tv stations forgot too). i found this on one website:

Due to a change in the end date of daylight savings from 26th March to 2nd April your PC will need a patch available from Microsoft due to the Commonwealth games.
so it did have something to do with the commonwealth games. i guess in the intrest of not confussing international visitors and other people going to events we get an extra week of longer days. of course it ended up confusing all of us people who didn't get the message that this has been changed.

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