Monday, March 13, 2006

bike vs. beach

i was supposed to do an aeolian ride on saturday afternoon and i was a little disappointed that a friend invited us to the beach and his family's caravan for the nite. zac made a HUGE effort to get saturday off work so we could go though and it was definately worth it. yesterday was i think 37C in the beach town we were staying at. the water was still kinda icy for me but i did get in twice and once i was in the waves i was usually warm-ish for a bit. the amount of people there was crazy but i guess that's what happens on a long weekend at the start of school holidays near the end of summer with temps in the upper 30s. i got to do the great australian tradition of caravan parks too (i've stayed at one twice-- both times in a tent though and only once did we even have acess to a caravan to use the fridge and stuff).

here's another weird graph of melbourne's weather. i'm glad we were at the beach for the one really hot day.

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