Sunday, March 18, 2007


zac damaged the dog a bit yesterday. i guess technically it was mostly wombat's fault but zac's elbow got in her way. when she comes in from her morning walk if one of us is still in bed she likes to jump up and lick our faces in her big boofhead sort of way and rub her nose under the pillow to get rid of the feeling of the muzzle on it. yesterday when i brought her in she took her normal flying leap from the door of the bedroom onto the bed. unfortunately for her zac was just rolling over to avoid face licks and ear biting. her lip went into his elbow and now she's got a bit of a fat pink lip (the left side of the bottom lip in the pic). that must have hurt when she did it. she didn't yelp or anything (she never does when she hurts herself). i didn't even find out about it until later when zac got up and said "i don't know if her lip was like that before or if this is from this morning cuz she rammed into my elbow." her lip was definitely not like that (i have pics from 2 nites ago that prove it). poor dog. that'll teach her to be more careful getting onto the bed.
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