i didn't get called into work today so i decided it was a perfect day to go to the zoo. it's only about a 10 min bike ride from our house but i haven't been there since i first arrived in melbourne and zac's mom took me (zac won't go-- he doesn't agree with animals in cages, especially when they live in climates different from melbourne). here are a few of the photos (more up on

i did feel pretty bad about most of the cats (except the lions). they were ALL pacing up and down inside pretty small enclosures (the lions had a bigger enclosure and were quite content laying around all day).

one of my favourite animals:

and orangutan family sharing a moment (they're actually all sharing some lettus but they look so cute when the baby came over and put his arm around mom and they all had they backs to us looking like they were looking at a book or something together)
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