Friday, May 05, 2006

we're all part of nature

so we were having group time at kinder today and one of the kids brought in a great book of australian nature so one of the other teachers was going though the book with the kids. the first part was the alphabet and each letter was a picture of a different animal found in australia. i was quite amazed as they went through each letter and the teacher would say "a is for.... b is for...." and the kids would all say what the animal in the picture was together. some of them were a bit tricky but even those ones there was a few kids who knew the answer. we got to L (for lyrebird) and one boy knew the answer right away (because the have one at "his" zoo-- i don't think he realizes yet that we all live right near the melbourne zoo). while he's busy explaining the right answer a little girl in the back kept saying "L is for lesley" (her name). finally the teacher acknowledged her answer by saying "yes, L is for lesley but you're not part of australian nature are you?" before she could even respond another little boy piped up "well, actually we're all part of nature..." he's right but it would be very difficult to explain that concept to the majority of 4 and 5 year olds so the teacher had to just delicately explain he was right but at the same time move away from a whole big explaintion for kids who just think of wild animals and plants as nature cuz we still had half the alphabet to cover plus skimming through the rest of the book (numbers/counting, opposits, times of was a big book, but really neat).

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