this is our friends' sad kitty günther (yes, you have to say his name with the accent). he tore a ligament in his leg a few weeks ago and he's been confined to the kitchen since his operation (for the first 2 weeks he was confined to a large dog cage). günther is very much an outdoor cat who thinks he's better than every one and every thing so to make him have to sit in a room and put up with what he thinks is way below his maturity level takes a big toll on him. he's been forced to be the centre of attention and to take part in things. when we went over last nite he just sat by the door and looked up at me constantly with these very sad kitty eyes (he usually just ignores everyone and refuses to make eye contact) asking me to let him out (at least he's over the vocal stage of asking to be let out). apparently he tests every new person with his sad eyes though, hoping somebody doesn't know the rules and lets him out. he's still got a few weeks to go before he's even allowed to roam around the whole house.
on a complely different topic (my words really are random)-- at the kinder i've been working casually at this week there's some pretty funny kids. today i was staning near a couple kids while they were busy drawing and painting at a table. the boy asked the girl if she wanted to sit next to him at lunch. she said sure. then the boy called out to another staff near by and asked her if he could sit next to the girl at lunch. she thought that was a good idea. the boy's response to that was waving his hands up over his head and shouting "yes!! i'm the man!!" and then in a sing-song voice "i'm gonna have lots of girlfriends, i'm gonna have lots of girlfriends!" as i walked away i heard him telling the girl about the fact he already has a girlfriend.
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