Monday, April 03, 2006


i think autumn officially hit melbourne april 1. starting with the much needed rains overnite on friday nite. my bike adventure on saturday felt very autumn-y (the few people i passed on the bike trail were all bundled up in nice warm clothes). i sat in front of the heater with a cup of tea a lot at denise's house and i've been wearing socks and shoes. yesterday i was volunteering at the harvest festival at ceres in the afternoon. it was perfect weather for that kind of event. the rain held off and everyone was bundled up in fuzzy sweaters and scarves (i went home between my volunteer shift and the volunteer pizza party to get a 3rd shirt on and my gloves and scarf). at one point when i was walking along a path near the top of ceres it felt like it was a weekend day in autumn back in the mountains in california. i know my whole excitement with autumn will wear off pretty quickly though (after i get a chance to wear all my warm clothes once-- i'd much prefer a tank top and if its really hot, a skirt with it, otherwise just pants).

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