Saturday, July 02, 2005

cool thing for the day

i came home this afternoon and sat down to have "lunch" (it was about 3:30 and i realized i hadn't had anything since my cheese and vege-sausage sandwhich for breackfast). i was sitting in the kitchen and the window on one side was bright and sunny with just a few grayish/white clouds but the other side was really dark. several minutes later it started raining (not a big surprise for melbourne-- especially this time of year). i decided to go do some stuff in our new spare room while it was too wet to go out. the new spare room (our old housemates room) has a window that faces out onto the street (no other windows in our house face that way). i was sitting by the window when the downpour started. all along the sides of the street rivers were forming. i saw these 2 indian miner birds (small-ish birds with yellow beaks) fly down to the "river/puddle" along the kerb and start flapping around having a bath. it just looked really cool-- these 2 birds having a party in the water from the rain, right infront of our house.

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