the other afternoon one of the children started talking to my co-worker about whales. he was saying something about his dad being naughty when he fishes because he might catch a whale (he's not usually very clear when telling us things so we're not exactly sure what he was saying cuz his dad isn't a commercial fisherman or anything). my co-worker asked him if he knew there were some people meeting to talk about fishing whales (he didn't) and then she asked if he wanted to write a letter to them to let them know that fishing whales is bad. he thought that was a great idea. i think he got a bit confused though cuz he kind of addressed the letter to whales and then added in "to the meeting boys" at the end. the letter is a bit hard to read in the photo but it says:
Dear Whales and the meeting boys,
I think you are sad because you are getting fished. And the whale from Little Mermaid. She tried to save the whale.
No whales have to get fished. Because they will die.
My sign (on my picture) says NO.
I'm thinking with my picutre and pencil does that.
From, ------
i didn't get a photo of his picture but it was a great drawing of a whale. after he finished his picture and dictating the letter he went around the room trying to get other children to sign the letter or make a picutre. by the end of the day we had about 10 pictures of whales to go with the letter so my co-worker made it into a display in the hall. she was a little worried about getting all political with the children but it was all the children's ideas.