Monday, January 04, 2010

the glow before the storm

i took this photo the other evening not long before some good thunderstorms hit. that is pretty much the colour of the sky and everything else (it took a while to actually get the right colours on the camera, i had to play with the white balance and metering a bit). everything was just really yellow for a long time and then as evening started, the storms arrived. i didn't bother taking photos of the storm but i sat just inside the laundry door watching the lightning and listening to the thunder for a long time until the rain actually started to fall, hitting our corrugated iron roof and drowning out the thunder. we also had good lightning storms new years eve and right through into the new year (we were upstairs at our friends place watching the fireworks in the city about 10km away and as i walked back downstairs a big flash of lightning flashed outside the window i was passing-- it was much more impressive than the fireworks).
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