Friday, June 22, 2007

stressed parents

we go to queensland in 5 sleeps. wombat is booked into a kennel (one she went to before) for the first half of our trip and then staying with denise for the second half. we were all fine with that until last week. we realized that not only would wombat not be getting daily walks or LOTS of play time (she will be getting play time and extra belly rubs-- we paid extra for that) but she won't have anyone to wrap her up in her blanket at nite. she'll be cold and lonley. she won't be able to crawl under a doona with her people in the middle of the nite. we paniced and called everyone we could think of that would possibly want to dog-sit for a few days (until denise could take her). nobody could. we're coming to realize though that she will be cared for and happy and warm (hopefully a heat lamp or heater by her bed) and even though she'll miss us, she'll be ok. it'll be good if she gets used to the kennel though cuz she may need to go in it more often when we go away (unless we can get her to be friends with our friend's dog sophie, then she can stay with them when we go away--- and sophie can stay with us)
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