Friday, June 08, 2007

keep your eye on the red and the blue

the other morning one of the kids came up to me and said "hey shawna, listen to this" and he started singing "its a grand old flag, its a high flying flag..." and i was thinking its cute but why does he know this american song. he continued on and i realized what he was singing "its the emblem for me and for you. its the emblem of the team we love, the team of the red and the blue....." he did the entire demons song!! sooooo cute. i told him he'd have to do it for my co-worker when she came in (also a demons fan) and he did. then at group time he got up infront of the group and did it for everyone. i was a little disappointed though when my co-worker asked the kids what team that song was for they guessed at least half the footy teams before someone finally said melbourne.

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