Friday, May 04, 2007

its all breakfast

i've said before that wombat is very smart and she knows a lot of words. the last week or so we've been trying to teach her the word "dinner" (she knows "breakie"/"breakfast"). she still doesn't seem to have any clue that "dinner" means food (which she loves). she's been staring at my 1/2 eaten dinner for the last 10 minutes while waiting for hers (she's the bottom of this pack-- she eats last). i made a comment to zac about how she's not scared of him at breakfast (her ears perked up at this point) but at dinner she cowers and is VERY nervous while zac prepares her dinner (and once in a while when i do it). we both started asking her if she wanted dinner. no response from her (except to continue staring at my plate on the desk). then we decided to ask her if she wanted breakfast. she went into the kitchen right away but then came back when she realized no one followed. i told zac to keep calling it breakfast and maybe she won't cower while he gets it ready. zac walked into the kitchen talking about breakfast and wombi followed right behind. unfortunately it didn't solve the cowering and shaking though. funny how she can't get her head around "dinner" being food as well as "breakie". i guess she has no reason to believe 2 completely different words mean the same thing so she's chosen to know food by the first word she learned.
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