Friday, September 01, 2006

better day than i expected

today (actually yesterday cuz its almost 1 am) was amazing! we got up to a beautiful sunny, warm last day of winter. i got dressed and just wore a t shirt ALL day. the kids were pretty mellow at work and it was nice and warm all day. the best part happened after i got home though. zac and i got engaged!!!!! when i pulled up to the house on my bike i was a bit annoyed that zac's bike was locked infront of the gate to the back so i couldn't put my bike away but then i remembered we had a "jam session" for our new band we've got going so i needed it later anyway. i was trying to get my keys out and zac opened the door and handed me a cup of beer (usually he's in the kitchen cooking dinner when i get home). i came in and tried to start telling him about the neighbours cat that i'd just seen and tried to coax her over. he wasn't listening and he just pushed me in the spare room and said i had to listen to his song (every once in a while he has me listen to stuff he's recorded on his 8track). funny cuz the blinds were shut all the way and there were candles lit everywhere but i didn't think anything of it. the song started and i realized it was the one he's been writing for me for months. so i'm sitting there with the headphones on listening to the song when it gets to a line "... so will you marry me?" i turned around and zac walked back in the room and got down on one knee and held out a ring!! of course i said yes 8) and then we spent the next hour calling his family and trying to eat the bbqed veggie sausages zac made (it was a great nite for a bbq and we were able to eat out back just in tshirts!) and then we had to go do the band thing. it was funny cuz i was on messanger this morning and both my brother and a friend back home asked me when we were getting married. i said we wouldn't be engaged for probably 6 months or so.... little did i know zac was picking up the ring today (he had one custom made-- he did good) 8)

1 comment:


    Sounds like a wonderfully romantic way to propose and what a great story to be able to tell in the years to come.
