Friday, January 20, 2006


we got back from sydney late last nite (plane delays from storms in another part of the country) and arrived home to a very crowded house (zac's sister and her boyfriend and one of his friends plus ray the cat was visiting). they all left this morning though to move into into their new house. sydney was a good adventure. we did a few tourist-y things around the city (the tower and i did the aquarium-- zac wouldn't go cuz some of the bigger animals have smallish cages). it was amazing.

one of the many views i took photos of from the top of the sydney tower.

mamma shark and her baby swimming over my head

we also got to go out to the blue mountains for a day (unfortunately a cloudy, cool day) but we still had a good time and saw some amazing things.

this shot looks a lot like one we have in alaska-- except behind us here is a canyon and the escarpment on the far side (so i'm told)

the cool formations here were all formed by wind errosion

unfortunately the weather wasn't the best-- we had 2 mostly sunny days and the rest were overcast or rainy. it was warm most of the time though-- until the last 2 days and when we arrived in melbourne at midnite last nite it was still 25C-- i don't even think sydney cbd got that warm the whole day.

this ibis was just hanging out in one of the parks in the city (i like them cuz they're big and funny looking)

this family of lorikeets lives around zac's "kinda relatives" house that we stayed at. here mum is feeding the baby (who was bigger than both parents and VERY whiny trying to get food ALL the time-- baby would sit on the balcony railing outside the house and cry at us for food a lot or we'd hear him in the trees crying at his parents).

ok-- i can't get more than 5 photos on a post so i'm gonna have to do a second post to tell the rest

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